211 Service
Do you know the 211 service?
211 is the primary source of information on non-clinical community and government health and social services in Canada. This free, confidential service is available 24 hours a day, in over 150 languages, by phone, chat, text message and website. 211 provides information and confident referrals to the services and resources that can help you.
Call 211 to find community services, such as:
Non-emergency police number
Food banks
Walk-in Clinic
Alzheimer Support
Help for mental health
Meals on wheels
Emergency shelters for the homeless
Services for victims of domestic violence
Public Health
Telehealth NB
Crisis Services
Provincial and local help line numbers
Settlement assistance for newcomers
Housing assistance centers
Walk-in program for youth
Counseling for children, youth and families
Emergency Assistance for Utilities
Understand what government service could help or assist
Disability Support Programs
Parenting Programs