GRAND FALLS, September 12th, 2023 - At its regular meeting in September, the Municipal Council of the Grand Falls Regional Municipality appointed a working committee of citizens and an employee to advise on viable options for the property at 100 Veteran St., formerly known as the Sports Complex. Chaired by Deputy Mayor, Josée Rioux-Walker, the working committee's mandate will be to analyze the possible uses of all the infrastructures located at 100 Veteran St., considering the community, cultural, sports, wellness, educational and leisure aspects. "The municipal council highly values citizen participation in major community projects, which is why we felt it was important to appoint a citizen's committee to gather ideas from the community and enlighten us on possible uses for this property. Suggestions gathered during the recent strategic planning public consultations will be given to the committee to assess their feasibility potential," explained Mayor Bertrand Beaulieu. The former Town of Grand Falls acquired the property in 2017 and commissioned a study in 2022 to determine the building's condition. Roy Consultants submitted its report on May 2, 2022. It states that only the structure and the foundation of the building are still viable and that major renovations beyond $2 million are essential, to make the building functional to the community. "We are aware that we are at a crossroads as to the future use of this site. Numerous suggestions have been submitted to the various councils since its acquisition, such as the creation of a cinema or salvage the bowling alleys, which are no longer usable at all, but before doing anything the present council wishes to hear the opinion of the community in a structured way. The suggestions submitted to Council by the committee will have to enable long-term use of the infrastructures, be inclusive and multi-generational," added Mayor Beaulieu. By June 30, 2024, the committee must submit a report to Council containing various options for the development, uses and vocations of the said property. The appointed members of the committee are:
· Josée Rioux-Walker (Deputy Mayor) · Denis Gagnon · Denis Page · François St-Amand · Michel Lang · Marcelle Fafard-Godbout · Marco Ouellette (Community Development Director) · Michele Lavallée
Info and interview requests:
France Le Moignan, Economic Development & Marketing Director
506.240.1773- communications@grandsault.ca