Please note that the date of receipt has been modified from the original publication as per Addendum No.1 .
Sealed tenders marked "Portage Street Upgrading Phase 1 Asphalting, Project No. 537-22-02B", will be received by the Grand Falls Regional Municipality, on April 9, 2024, at the Town Hall until 2:00 p.m. (local time), located at 131 Pleasant Street, Suite 200 Grand Falls N.B. E3Z 1G6. Following the closing, the proposal opening will be live on the Grand Falls Regional Municipality Facebook page and the public is also invited to attend in person.
Each tender must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the tender price, payable to the Grand Falls Regional Municipality. The name of the tendering firm and the identification of the contract shall be indicated on the envelope.
The latest revision and amendments of the "Tendering Regulations" of the Procurement Act (2022-78), as amended, shall apply to this contract.
Electronic tender documents are available upon payment of $100.00 to Roy Consultants, which will be non-refundable. These documents can be procured by contacting melanie.hebert@royconsultants.ca and gaetane.richardson@royconsultants.ca.
The intent of this tender call is to obtain an offer to provide the Grand Falls Regional Municipality with all and every kind of labour, construction equipment, products and services that may be required to execute and complete, in a workmanlike manner, all the work comprised in the Portage Street Upgrading Phase 1 Asphalting in Grand Falls, New Brunswick, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
Fine grading and asphaltic concrete.
Installation of concrete curbs and concrete sidewalks complete with site restoration.
This project is cost-shared by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure and the Grand Falls Regional Municipality under the Municipal Designated Highway Program.
The Grand Falls Regional Municipality reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders. Award of contract is conditional to funding approval.
Eric Gagnon, CAO/Clerk
Grand Falls Regional Municipality