GRAND FALLS, January 18th, 2024 - At its regular January meeting, the Council of the Grand Falls Regional Municipality received the report from the Working Committee – Infrastructure 100 Veteran St., which states that the building is not functional in its current state. Chaired by Deputy Mayor, Josée Rioux-Walker, the committee submitted a series of findings and recommendations, considering the many comments and suggestions made during the community consultation process, to shape the municipality's strategic planning.
"After reviewing engineering report by Roy Consultants submitted in May 2022 and visiting the site, the committee quickly realized the poor condition of the building and equipment at 100 Veteran St. We had until June 2024 to submit our report, but since no operations or activities, such as a bowling alley or cinema, can be held within this infrastructure in the immediate future, the committee preferred to submit its recommendations now, so that Council could react and make decisions on them," indicated Deputy Mayor Josée Rioux Walker.
Among other things, the committee recommends that Council should salvage and sell the viable equipment inside the building, and that the money raised be set aside for the future project; that the building's metal structure be analyzed and its lifespan confirmed versus the construction of a new structure; and that the cinema equipment be made available to any organization or entrepreneur wishing to put it to good use in the community.
Based on the experience of the members of the working committee and considering public opinion, the committee recommends the construction of a multi-purpose, multi-generational centre for community activities and to host major sports competitions and events.
“We would like to thank the committee members for their time on this project. It's now clear that the building and equipment, especially the bowling equipment, are beyond repair, and that major monetary investments and repairs are required to get the infrastructure up and running. We must stop believing that we'll be entertaining at 100 Veteran Street soon," said Bertrand Beaulieu, Mayor of the Grand Falls Regional Municipality.
“It is now our turn, as a municipal council, to examine the issue, in light of the conclusions and recommendations made, to determine what measures can be taken in the short, medium and long term regarding the infrastructure at 100 Veteran St., while ensuring sound management of public funds," added Mayor Beaulieu.
When Roy Consultants submitted its report in 2022, it stipulated that over $2 million would be required simply to bring the building up to code.
Info and interview requests:
France Le Moignan, Economic Development & Marketing Director
506.240.1773- communications@grandsault.ca